
Gift Vouchers

£10 Gift Voucher


£25 Gift Voucher

Gift voucher to redeem against any treatment, workshop or course.

£45 Gift Voucher

Gift voucher to redeem against any treatment, workshop or course.

£50 Gift Voucher


£60 Gift Voucher

Gift voucher to redeem against any treatment, workshop or course.

£80 Gift Voucher

Gift voucher to redeem against any treatment, workshop or course.

£100 Gift Voucher

Gift voucher to redeem against any treatment, workshop or course.

Health & Wellbeing Packages

Feel Good Body Package

Feel Good Body- 6 Deep Tissue Massages (60mins) Saving you £70
Perfect for fitness fans, those aches, pains, hunched posture and trouble sleeping!

Book a package and save £££ - plus you wont forget to book your massage- before you know it months have passed and your back to square 1 in pain again!

Mind, Body Soul- Package

Mind/Body/Soul Package is for you -now you are serious about taking charge of your health the holistic way. Want the tools to stress less, manage emotions, create freedom & fluidity in your mind, body and soul.

Your package includes an in depth consultation.
2 x Somatic Coaching Sessions- The 5 Element Method for Inner Healing- Rediscover yourself
2 x Energy Healing & Alignment Sessions
2 x Deep Therapeutic Trauma & Stress Release Massages

The bonus of home self care plan, breathing exercises, worksheets and Watsapp support for the duration of your package. (Watsapp available Tues-Fri 10am-5pm)

(Saving you over £150)

Somatic Trauma Release Package

Release stored trauma and unresolved emotions from your brain, body & nervous system with our somatic trauma release package.
This involves specialist massage techniques, stretches, pressure point activation to aid the release of trapped energy in your body. Alongside our signature method for trauma release The 5 Element Method. Ready to BE and feel FREE again from the past -then this is perfect for you.

Your package includes

An in depth consultation
2x Trauma & Stress Relief Massges
4x The 5 Element Method sessions- for Inner Healing

(Saving £190)

Witchy Woo Moon Lover Package

This one is for my fellow moon lovers!

Harness the power of the moon energies and deepen your spiritual connection.
2 x Full Moon Ceremonies
2 x Energy Healing & Alignment Sessions
1 x Online New Moon BreathWork Session (these are recorded)

Save £55 and receive a bonus witchy gift!

Somatic Coaching -Inner Awakening & Empowerment

Inner Awakening & Empowerment Re-Program

For sensitive humans to come out of survival mode, unmask and be free!

Inner Awakening & Empowerment Reprogram - 12 weeks of somatic coaching working closely together as you go on a journey of self discovery to heal past trauma and chronic stress.

Take your healing journey to new depths with embodied healing. Wisdom of your body, pause tune in and listen- your body is always talking to you.

Release physical, emotional, and spiritual blockages, fostering balance and rejuvenation through therapeutic Bodywork, breath work & movement. 

Inner awakening assists you through your healing journey, addressing severe trauma, PTSD, anxiety, and various physical and energetic blockages.

Working in the meridians & pressure points, nervous system & energy centres

3 Pillars of Connection

1- Self Connection

2- Collective Connection

3- Nature Connection

Feeling stuck, anxious, depressed, self sabotaging, reliving the past and dissatisfied with life? You need a reset!

This course will break the cycle of trauma, unhealthy coping methods -drinking, over working, unfulfilling relationships, people pleasing or avoiding emotions all together.

Together we will break down the barriers of low self esteem, take ownership of your emotions, build resilience, and empower yourself to welcome in healthy connection, learn to implement boundaries to rewrite your story.

You will be guided on a deep journey of self discovery - resetting the nervous system, reconnecting with your soul- you will gain confidence and profound emotional freedom to live life as your true authentic self.

The package includes

1 x Holistic Health Consultation
10 x Somatic Coaching Sessions - The 5 Element Method for Inner Healing - Rediscover Yourself
2 x Deep Therapeutic Stress Relief Massages

Saving you £537

The bonus of home self care plan, breathing exercises, worksheets and Watsapp support for the duration of your package. (Watsapp available Tues-Fri 10am-5pm)

Payment plans available, please ask for details.